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Granqvists Manufacturing Sp. z o.o

ul. Sportowa 1, 77-400 Blękwit

email: office@granqvists.pl 

NIP: PL-767-000-00-52

KRS: 0000222843

Konto: SBL Złotów, nr 21 8941 0006 0017 0165 2000 0010

General Director 

Lasse Granqvist

e-mail: info@granqvists.se

www.lillsport.com   www.granqvists.se


Managing Director 

Ryszard Wrona

e-mail: coo@granqvists.pl 



Anna Załachowska

tel. +48 67 264 2370

kom: +48 506 082 494 

e-mail: info@granqvists.pl


Accounting Department / H&S 

Jolanta Litwinienko

tel: +48 67 264 23 70 w. 107    kom: +48 509 249 114

e-mail: chief.accountant@granqvists.pl 


Logistic Department 

Joanna Białkowska

tel. +48 67 264 2370 w. 105  

e-mail: logistics@granqvists.pl 


Barbara Okulewicz

tel: +48 734 825 060

email: basia.okulewicz@granqvists.pl


Sales Department - for Poland

Sławomir Dereszkiewicz

tel: +48 532 692 141

e-mail: slawomir.dereszkiewicz@granqvists.pl

e-mail: wysylki.krajowe@granqvists.pl


HR & Administration Department

Michalina Kowalczyk

 kom: +48 506 082 497

e-mail: hr@granqvists.pl 


Analysis Department

Jolanta Zając-Kocikowska

tel. +48 67 264 2370 w. 108   kom: +48 506 082 492

e-mail: analyst@granqvists.pl


Production Manager

Liliana Ślawska

tel. +48 67 264 2370 w. 113

e-mail: chief.production@granqvists.pl


Chief Mechanic

Roman Woś

kom: +48 500 283 548

e-mail: glowny.mechanik@granqvists.pl



Michał Ślawski

tel: +48 67 264 23 70 w. 114   kom: +48 504 096 580

e-mail: warehouse@granqvists.pl 

ul. Sportowa 1

77-400 Blękwit


+ 48 123 456 789


Usefull information

If you need information about our products, visit the "Products" tab. If you want to visit us or submit an inquiry regarding the possibility of taking up a job, see the "Contact" section and contact the appropriate person. You can find our location on the map.

Granqvist Manufacturing, or the former Rek-Swed, is a manufacturer of specialized gloves for uniformed services around the world. Our gloves are used by NATO armies, the fire brigades of Scandinavian countries and Western Europe, and even the Indian army.

In a few words about what we do

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